Supplier Code of Conduct.

A core value.
Trust is more important to us than anything else. As we join together and develop trust, we become more than the sum of our parts.

Strong foundations.
Sustainable development is an approach adopted by Attollo and sustainability is deemed to be a significant contributor to the company’s success, future development and creating long-term value.

Human rights for all.
Includes child Labour avoidance, community relations, freely chosen employment, diversity and inclusion, fair treatment, working hours, wages and benefits, freedom of association.

Health, safety, and the environment.
Includes, quality requirements, health, safety, environmental and quality regulations, product safety, emergency preparedness, risk information and training, waste and emissions, resource conservation and climate protection, security.

Continuous improvement.
The supplier code of conduct provides the minimum standard expected of suppliers to Attollo and we expect suppliers to continually improve their performance. Attollo expects suppliers to strive to exceed both international and industry best practices.